Our latest CPP20+ Knowledge iOS App

Gajendra Gulgulia
2 min readMay 27, 2024


App view as displayed on Apple App Store

To support me in reaching a wider audience, my wife developed an app featuring free quizzes and paid blogs on C++20 for iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro. You can download the app here: C++20 Quiz and Blog App.

The Long Story
Some of you may know me from my blogs on Medium and my YouTube videos about modern C++. For over two years, I’ve been creating content focused on C++20 features, driven by my passion for teaching and modern C++. However, despite my efforts, the financial return has been minimal due to high competition and the need for consistent content posting to meet monetization thresholds.

Living with my wife in a metropolitan city in Germany comes with substantial monthly expenses. Like many developers, we work full-time jobs, and I dedicate my free time to creating C++ content. Unfortunately, my attempts to monetize this passion have faced significant setbacks. I launched a course with over 55 videos on C++20 (https://mastering-modern-cpp-features.thinkific.com/courses/mastering-modern-cpp-features) after Udemy blocked me without explanation. Despite investing nearly €800 and countless hours of vacation time, I received no subscriptions and had to take down the course.

I then shared some of my videos on YouTube, but the platform does not compensate me for my content. Although I’ve improved the quality of my videos with feedback from friends and family, time constraints from my full-time job have limited my ability to produce more content.

About a year ago, my wife began learning iOS app development. She came up with the idea of creating a C++ quiz app using the questions from my previous course. After nearly five months of development, she launched the first version on the Apple App Store. This marks a personal milestone, as I now have my wife’s support in reaching a broader audience.

Launching the app was challenging. It faced multiple rejections from Apple, each for a different issue, resulting in a lengthy review process that took about four weeks. The app collects no user data and contains no advertisements, making the rejections all the more frustrating.

Despite its initial shortcomings, we are eager to improve the app and ask for your support. Please download the app, try the free quiz content, and leave feedback on the App Store to help us enhance it and support my wife in becoming a better developer.

Here is the link to the app on the Apple App Store: C++20 Quiz and Blog App.

I hope we can continue in our journey and endeavor for creating original and quality contents for the community and our followers

Best, GG

