Mastering C++20 features: Online course

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Launch of the online course
Today, I along with my Wife, Anokhi Shah, are happy to announce the launch of our online course Mastering C++20 Features. We’ve been toying with the idea of creating our own online course for a year but it was only in the December of 2021, we made tangible efforts to carve out the first details of the course and today we think the course has enough material in terms of video lectures, quizzes and assignments.
The course currently has 34 video lectures, 1 assignment and 1 quiz split in 4 chapters and we are working continuously every day to add quality content and cover the topics that we promised to all my esteemed followers and learners.
So far we’ve managed to cover coroutines, concepts and are currently working on a chapter on the three way operators . Working on the course without any external support has been quite challenging, given that our regular 40 hour job in a start up company is quite demanding and over working 1–1.5 hours a day at work is unavoidable. Nevertheless, I and Anokhi have worked very hard on weekends and after working hours on week days to create this course and are continuously squeezing out our free time to add content to the course.
Topics we plan to cover
We plan to cover all the topics that are new in C++20 which includes the four big features namely concepts, coroutines, ranges, modules and additions and improvements like three way comparison operators, concurrency features, lambda expressions, template meta programming, date time library, string formatting libraries etc. I encourage you all to watch the free preview video where Anokhi will walk you through the topics we plan to cover in the course website
We are still not yet decided about the pricing of the course, but I don’t want to price it too low like the courses on Udemy which literally strips the rights of pricing a course competitively from its author by giving away mass discounts and free coupons. Currently for all my early course participants, the course can be purchased for $49.99 .
All the early participants of the course will get access to the entire material as and when they become available without any strings attached.
50% off for first 100 email subscribers on medium
For my first 100 medium email subscribers, I will provide a 50% discount coupon code, which means they can access the entire course for as low as $24.99
Steps to get 50% off
- go to my profile on medium
- provide your email id and click on subscribe
- In the coming days, each one of my first 100 subscriber will get a personalized coupon to purchase the course at $24.99
We do plan to provide a certification of completion to every participants of the course, but this will happen only from April onward because the creation of the entire course will take us time till June 2022 which means the participants cannot actually finish the course unless we first finish creating them.
Future Outlook
With so much over our heads and so much work remaining to do, it is hard to talk about the future as we have everything planned for the next 4 months. We are determined to provide a high quality learning experience to our course participants and aim to cover all of the topics in C++20 with details that will arm a C++ developer to use the C++ 20 features in production with confidence.
Suggestions and Feedback for the course
Given that this is our first online course and we had zero prior experience in creating online video content for delivering a MOOC, I’ve made numerous mistakes and have learned from them every single day. This course is still being prepared and participants are getting videos freshly baked from my home office set up, I cannot guarantee error free content but I welcome polite and respectful feedback and constructive criticism on any errors that the participants find.
Lastly I wish all my followers and course participants a pleasant journey in mastering C++20 features.