Gajendra GulguliaC++20 Lambda extensions: Lambda default constructorsIn this article learn how default construction of lambda since C++20 allows easier specification of predicates to STL containers. LeaMar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
Gajendra GulguliaC++20 Formatting library — Part1: Setup and BasicsFormatting library or string formatting library is another big feature available since C++20 which as other features has arived rather…Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
Gajendra GulguliaC++20 range based for-loop with initializer statementRange based for loop with initializer statements are to range based for loop in C++20 what if statements with initializer statements are to…Jan 18, 2023Jan 18, 2023
Gajendra GulguliaC++20 Coroutines: back to basicsIn this article, I would like to mention the restrictions on coroutines and show how can they be used compared to the old functions in C++May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
InGeek CulturebyGajendra GulguliaMastering C++20 features: Online courseHow to get 50% Discount on the online courseFeb 27, 2022Feb 27, 2022
Gajendra GulguliaC++20 Concurrency: part-3 request_stop and stop_token for std::jthreadIn this article, we explore the latest feature of C++20’s std::jthreadthat allows one to signal a stop cooperatively on an executing…Jan 12, 20221Jan 12, 20221
Gajendra GulguliaC++20 Concepts: part 3In this article we’ll dive deeper in the details of concepts and build upon the topics already explained in the first and second part.Dec 4, 2021Dec 4, 2021
Gajendra GulguliaC++17 class templates : CTAD and type deductionThe aim of this article is to demonstrate the CTAD feature and how to force C++ to deduce type specifically for class templates with the…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021